Canned Blueberries
(allow 2 quarts for 3 pint jars)

Wash the blueberries and remove the stems.  Put them in a square of cheesecloth and gather up the ends to form a bag.  Dip the berries into boiling water for about 30 seconds or until spots appear on the bag.  Dip into cold water.  Pack the berries tightly into jars, leaving ½ inch headspace.  Do NOT add sugar or liquid.  Close the jars and process in a boiling water bath, allowing 15 minutes for pint jars and 20 minutes for quarts.  Blueberries may be canned in syrup or water, but the method given here is better if berries are to be used in muffins, etc…

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The Happy Berry, Inc.
120 Kelley Cr. Rd.
Phone: (864) 868-2946
Farm: (864) 350-9345